Eyes of Skin by Andrea V. Wright - May 24

18 May - 02 June
Solo exhibition for Thames-side Studio Gallery
Unit 4, Harrington Way, Warspite Road, Greenwich SE185NR

We are excited to once again be collaborating with the brilliant Andrea V. Wright, with a solo presentation at Thames-side Studios in Woolwich.


Andrea V Wright’s “Eyes of Skin” presents an evolving installation with accompanying sculpture, delving into the multifaceted aspects of her artistic practice. By bridging digital technologies with handmade and appropriated objects, the exhibition explores the permeability and interactions between the body and architecture, as well as the tensions arising from the ever-changing precariousness of our external and internal constructed environments.


Wright’s exploration of materiality and tactile engagement also examines the intricate interactions between this human and environmental physicality and the garments with which we adorn ourselves – drawing on her background in fashion.


Visitors can transcend the boundaries of perception, immersing themselves in an experience that unravels the layers of texture, depth, and emotion embedded within our surroundings. “Eyes of Skin” challenges the traditional exhibition format, offering a holistic experience that inspires and captivates in an ever-evolving state.


By reimagining skin as an active participant in shaping our emotional landscape rather than a passive receptor, Wright invites us to embrace the profound interconnectedness between ourselves and the world we inhabit. The exhibition blurs the lines between reality and illusion, providing an immersive journey into the creative process. Spanning the gallery space and a dedicated residency area, “Eyes of Skin” unfolds as a living, breathing entity over its two-week duration.


About Andrea V. Wright:

Andrea V. Wright delves deep into the essence of materiality in her artistic practice, weaving narratives from found objects, discarded scraps, and raw materials like latex, steel, and wood. Drawing from a fashion styling and design background, her work embodies a tactile exploration, employing drapery, manipulation of materials, and visual illusion to evoke a sense of storytelling. Through the assemblage of diverse materials, Andrea gives voice to multiple narratives, each expressing tensions, contradictions, and dualities, reflecting the complexities of identity and the human experience. Her art is a testament to the beauty found in the overlooked and the profound stories woven from the fabric of everyday life.


Andrea V. Wright is a multidisciplinary visual artist based in Somerset, UK. She graduated from Chelsea College of Art & Design before establishing a career in fashion, styling, and music, and completing an MFA at Bath School of Art & Design. Wright has been selected for the Jerwood Drawing Prize 2017, the Royal Society of Sculptors Bursary Award 2017/18, and the Ingram Collection Purchase Prize 2019. 


In 2021 Wright was awarded an AN Bursary for the PADA residency in Lisbon, Portugal, culminating in a solo exhibition at the Foundry Gallery, London. Wright is currently a mentor for the MASS Sculpture School.