Liar Liar, 2022-23

Oil, acrylic and spray paint on military surplus tent fabric, steel.

220 x 120 x 60 cm




The saying liar, liar pants on fire is part of a longer children’s rhyme that’s been around since 1841, as a child Dennis and her siblings would taunt each other with it. Liar, Liar is a protest, railing in its childish way against the deluge of political information during the fallout of post Brexit and pandemic Britain, news – fake news, conspiracy theories, internet echo chambers and the confusion which is palpable at this time.




Jo Dennis, born in 1973 in Forres, Scotland, is a British artist who works and lives in London. Her work spans painting, sculpture and installation. She produces predominantly abstract works which relate to our emotional and psychological experiences of the physical world, specifically place and temporality. She completed a BA Fine Art at Goldsmiths College (2002) and MA in Painting at the Royal College of Art, London (2022). Dennis is the co-founder of Asylum and Maverick Projects, an artist lead organisation running project spaces in London. From 2016–18, Dennis founded and curated AMP Gallery, a not-for-profit gallery, and is the co-founder of Pigeon Park and Peckham 24 Photography Festival.




11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

12 – Responsible Consumption and Production